Small and new businesses are the engines of e
very economy. But they face two big challenges:
How to create awareness of their brands in a crowded marketplace, whether offline or online
How to help potential customers understand how the product or service works, before buying it.
New business owners know the importance of creating awareness and understanding of their brands. But they may not be familiar with the process. They also feel that this process is expensive and complicated.
So how can they overcome these challenges? Video marketing is one of the easiest ways to create brand awareness, promote sales, and engage potential customers.
Video marketing is especially effective for small and new businesses as it can be used with their existing digital assets such as social media, websites, or blogs.
9by1 Studios is a well-known video production company in Mumbai, which offers creative and best-in-class video content solutions. This blog explains the process of creating video content, and how 9by1 Studios can help new businesses develop great video content.
Why should small businesses use video marketing?
16% of non-video marketers have never used video marketing as they think it takes too much time. 17% think video marketing is expensive. But the facts say otherwise!
Video marketing is an easy and economical way to attract new customers, engage and delight current customers, and generate sales. Video and photo-sharing apps like TikTok and YouTube can help even a budget video ad go viral as quickly as a big brand ad.
Let us look at some statistics on the benefits of video marketing for small and new businesses:
Almost 80% of businesses use video content in their strategy.
Over 50% of marketers feel that video marketing gives the best ROI among all their brand awareness methods.
Video marketing can help companies grow revenues almost 50% faster.
Video content will be almost 90% of all internet traffic by the end of this decade.
People spend over 30% of their online activity watching video content.
The typical internet user spends more time on a website with video.
A video on a landing page can raise conversions by more than 80%.
A video received via email can increase the click-through rate of the email by over 90%.
Blog posts with a video get thrice as many inbound links.
The audience can remember more than 90% of video content compared to around 10% of text content only.
Types of videos for small and new businesses
9by1 Studios can produce the following types of engaging yet budget video ads:
1. Product Videos
Almost everyone these days uses a video to learn more about a brand.
The functions and benefits of a product can be better explained with product videos.
Small and new businesses can create “how-to-use” videos of their product or service to show it in action and to educate potential customers.
2. Brand Story Videos
Small and new businesses must use brand story videos to give a general idea of their company, its history, mission, and vision.
Brand story videos also show how the company is different from competitors.
3. Social proof videos
“Social proof” is a concept that says that people’s decisions and behavior are influenced by the actions of people in their surroundings or immediate circle.
Video marketing can involve people of influence to create this “social proof” to build brand credibility and acceptance.
4. Educational videos
New business owners can create videos to highlight their skills.
These videos can be tutorials, guides, or Q&As.
These videos are not explicitly sales videos but provide value to the audience. This helps build trust and credibility.
Tips for small and new businesses to create stunning video content
1. Context is important.
The video should show how the brand fits into the customer’s lifestyle and solves their problem.
2. Every video should have a goal.
The purpose or objective of the video should be clearly defined.
3. New ideas are a must for brilliant video content.
New ideas can arise from many sources – industry scans, consumer trends tracking, media analysis, etc.
4. Good scripts are the lifeblood of a video.
The best videos have a proper, written script.
5. Video marketing does not always need expensive equipment.
Even a smartphone with a tripod and microphone is enough for effective budget video ads.
6. Locations should be selected with care.
Whether indoors or outdoors, the location has to be free of background noise, disturbance, or distractions.
7. Authenticity is important.
The brand should communicate its core values honestly to viewers.
Video marketing does not have to be expensive or time-consuming. Small and new businesses should consider using the services of an established video production company such as 9by1 Studios for professionally-produced and world-class video content.